Adding tassels

Tassels make an attractive addition to your contemporary piece of weaving — you can use them in various areas of your work and not only at the bottom, which is perhaps the most common use of tassels. For the main part, weavers will use one of the colours — and perhaps even the same yarn as already used in the full piece, but of course this is a personal choice. The great thing about this kind of weaving is that there really are no set rules to follow — just let your instinct and inspiration lead you. These weavings will rarely be subjected to a vigorous spin in the washing machine, so it is possible to embellish with other elements such as beads and loose areas of ribbon etc. Just bear in mind that using different types of yarn will usually mean that your finished piece of work will not hold a perfectly geometric shape — but what the heck!

So check out this little video to see how to make finishing tassels. There is another clip in this collection which shows your how to make regular ‘stand-alone’ tassels which can be tied on individually to your woven piece.

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