Try your hand at something new in a beautiful Italian location or download our freebies for stay-at-home projects
latest freebie download!
Santa’s washing line… This is a fun project which involves simple skills — also suitable for youngsters (with a little assistance)

The face behind the site
As a multi-discipline creative, I alternate between photography, design, digital and applied arts and crafts. My inspiration often comes from the sights and sounds of my adoptive city of Venice in Italy, and my preferred mountain retreat in the majestic Italian Dolomites, though bright, bold colours are what capture my attention best.
My father was a professional photographer and the rest of my close and extended family is teeming with talent — sculptor, author, film maker, musicians, graphic designers, painters, illustrators, photographers and stitchers so I like to think that just a little of all that talent has been passed on to me too!
free workshops
Keep your eyes and ears open for news of our workshops during the Festival delle Arti on Giudecca, Venice

Locations & venues

New entry
expanding your vision
useful prompts with examples
See how we have interpreted the prompts for the development of our ‘creative eye’, and then have a go yourselves. No need for fancy cameras as these days mobile phones offer plenty of options for pleasing photographs. Often the secret of a good photo is knowing what to look for.

Glue, needles, thread, yarn, lino, just to name a few
learn the basics of a new skill
Start on the basics with us, and then step up your game with more research in order to attain new heights and satisfaction in your newly found ability. Here, just to name a few, you will find embroidery, weaving, printing, photography, sewing and projects for kids.

Shopping lists &
essential tools
Refer to the suggestions for essential and optional tools for each of the projects you take on. For each project there will also be a ‘shopping list’ of materials required to complete it. Don’t forget to check out what you already have in your own ‘stash’ too and that in some cases you can buy complete project kits from me on Etsy.