Out stashing

Feel almost bad about having had such a good day yesterday – we went off early morning on the bike and only just got back indoors in time for our evening meal.

Visited a big regional market where I bought some nice yarn and haberdashery bits – and we picked up some nosh which we ate on a park bench – then we visited an ‘outlet village’ where hubby hoped to pick up some Timberland flip flops, but we were too early seasonally speaking.

Then we went to visit our favourite Guzzi agent, and then found a big hobby/craft/DIY store where I stocked up on a stash of seemingly useless bits which I am certain will inspire me for weeks.

My face is even burning from all the sunshine!

So briefly, what is in the stash …

  • A couple of big canvases for my paintings
  • Some braid yarn – not quite sure what to do with that, though I do have a couple of ideas buzzing around
  • A handful of wooden eggs
  • A cork board for pinning when I create decorative knots
  • Some super glue
  • A little squeedgee (spelling???) roller and tray
  • Some large silver coloured rivets
  • 30 meters of beige cord
  • and last, but not least, 10 meters of heavy beige braid

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