Let’s share a simple skill

‘ojo de dios’ — Standalone tutorial — suitable for kids

If you are looking for relaxation, but are hopeless at knitting or crochet, this very simple craft might be of interest to you. I have led a couple of workshops suitable for all ages, in the art of the traditional ‘Ojo de Dios’ (God’s Eye) — a craft which for some has its roots in Latin American culture — whilst others claim that it can be traced back to India.

We’ll stick with the Latin American version for which there seems to be more information available. The craft is very common among the Huicholi population of North West Mexico where the father of a newly born child traditionally adds a section of colour to the basic wooden cross form every year of the child’s life up to 5 years of age. The Ojo has a spiritual significance and is thought to bring good luck to the child.

There is an abundance of information available on the subject on internet for those who might like to delve deeper.

With time, many makers of this simple craft have become much more ambitious in their efforts, and have, to a great extent, moved away from the original simplicity of the symbol. They often opt for very complex patterns and arrangements of the yarns and sticks, and use many more colours than the original five. No question that their efforts are beautiful to behold and can be a great attraction for tourists to purchase in local markets. But here I will be sharing just the basics, and with these, for those who are interested, you will be able to hone your skill and move on to much more complex shapes and designs in many sizes.

This is a great opportunity to recycle/upcycle using up leftover yarn, and even old broomsticks for the very large version such as the one I made as a focal point above the bed which you can see illustrated at the top of this article. For the smaller size, straight twigs for the cross shape are perfect.

Download illustrated instructions below:

Ojo de Dios (543 downloads )

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