Craft therapy

Yesterday morning started off just fine with a business meeting here at my desk to discuss a web site for a well known local restaurant. Looks like it is going to be fun, and will probably also give me the opportunity to get out the camera for a few pics for the graphics.

Lunch was uneventful and then just as the afternoon got going…wham…a phone call from ma-in-law who sounded as if she was in a terrible state…complained about pains in her chest and left arm. Fairly obvious what immediately leapt to mind, so hubby called the ambulance and rushed over to her place. Inevitably here…rushing basically means walking/running which is often faster than waiting for public transport to go anywhere.

And the rest of the day was then taken up with phone calls to in-laws, to hubby, to hospital, from/to daughter and on and on and anxiety and silence and…finally, at about 2am hubby came in the door. A few minutes later daughter came in too as she hadn’t felt to sleep out as she was worried about me being alone and her Dad who is still recovering from his motorbike accident and can’t walk properly and her Nan…….
Oh my giddy aunt.

The best part of all this is that Nan was released after a whole wagonload of tests and exams…she was given a few pills and medication to get her up and going again, though I really would have liked her to have been kept in for overnight observation in consideration of her 85 years of age. But the health system doesn’t work that way nowadays.

So a little crafting therapy was in order and I spent those anxious hours making lots of these little envelopes recycled/upcycled out of a gorgeous glossy art magazine pages – all hand cut/assembled/glued! No fancy cutting machines here apart from my pretty scissors but I don’t think they count…

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