Blue & Moon weaving project [1]

Links to all instructions for Blue Moon weaving project:

NB. Don’t forget to turn your sound on!
  1. Blue Moon kit contents
  2. Preparing your table-top frame
  3. Warping up your frame
  4. Twining (or twisted header)
  5. Transferring your design
  6. Make your moon
  7. Insert the shed stick
  8. Shuttle or needle?
  9. Interlacing colours
  10. Knocking down
  11. Shaping hack
  12. Making knots (or joining 2 lengths of yarn)
  13. Making tassels
  14. Adding tassels
  15. Using fancy yarns, ribbons etc.
  16. Joining strips of fabric
  17. Is your work wonky?

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